Optomap Photos

Retinal imaging advantages

1. Easy testing procedure for children and adults. As simple and safe as taking a photograph, we can see the inside of your eye without using dilating eye drops.

2. A permanent record for your medical file. By documenting how your eye health looks today, we can accurately compare subsequent images to detect subtle changes.

3. Easier to diagnose glaucoma which is a leading cause of blindness. Checking your eye pressure is only one way to detect glaucoma. Yearly Optomap scans of your optic nerve allow us to identify gradual changes related to glaucoma.

4. Improved diabetes and high blood pressure screening. Retinopathy damage  is a common complication of diabetes and hypertension, however, there may be no symptoms! With Optomap imaging, we can detect signs of retinopathy earlier and monitor diabetes or hypertension more thoroughly.

YOUR EYESIGHT IS PRICELESS. Many eye problems can develop without warning and progress with no change in your vision. We believe that all of our patients would benefit from having an Optomap scan every year.

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